Oznaka: masnoće

Susam (sezam)

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Sjemenke maka

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture

Sir ribanac, Sirela

Sastojci (prepisano sa proizvoda): Ribani ekstra tvrdi masni sir; min. 35% mliječne masti u suvoj tvari; Sastojci: pasterizovano mlijeko, mliječne …


Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Kukuruzno ulje

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture

Mast svinjska

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Mast biljna

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture  Fotografija: veganbaking.net, pod licencom CC BY-SA 2.0.

Mast pačja

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture  Fotografija: The Cooking of Joy, pod licencom: CC BY 2.0.

Mast guščija

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture 

Ulje kanole (kanolino ulje)

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture  Fotografija: Veganbaking.net, pod licencom CC BY-SA 2.0

Ulje sojino

Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture  Fotografija: United Soybean Board, pod licencom Attribution 2.0 Generic


Reference: USDA – United States Department of Agriculture